At Kestrel Mead Primary Academy, we study French in KS2 (years 3-6) following the Primary Languages Network scheme. This incorporates the 4 key skills of learning a language with children being exposed to many activities that enable them to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. All lessons are enjoyable, engaging and interactive. Through the use of songs, games and conversational roleplays, the children show resilience and curiosity to want to learn more.

The curriculum is sequenced so that each year group are exposed to 3 different units of study throughout the academic year. Their prior knowledge is built on and developed further as they progress through the years. The children’s learning is captured on Seesaw and through an end of unit assessment.



Useful Website

KS2 French – BBC Bitesize 

The following games have been selected from the Primary Languages Network scheme: 

Quotes from the children 

We asked the children – Why do we learn French?
We learn French so that we can make more friends.
We learn French so that if someone is new, we can communicate with them.
Learning a language is learning a new skill.
We learn French so that we can speak to someone who is French. 

We asked the children which part of French lessons they enjoy the most?
 enjoy the greetings songs.
I enjoy playing Simon says.
I like the detective game.
I enjoy games where we learn new words.
At the end of the lesson, we sing French songs.  

Subject Champion/s
Mrs C Irons

Subject Leader/s
Miss S Hart