
Kestrel Mead last had an OFSTED inspection in March 2017 where we were graded as a GOOD school. To view our latest OFSTED report please use the links below. You will be able to find all future Ofsted reports and past Ofsted reports prior to our Academy Conversion using the buttons below. Information regarding Ofsted may be found here.

Please see the ofsted Report below:

Kestrel Mead Primary Ofsted Report

Challenge Partners

Challenge Partners are a charity, owned and led by schools who work together to lead school improvement. They believe that, when schools are working in partnership to continually improve their practice, an excellent education for pupils will be achieved.

Challenge Partners are made up of over 300 schools, from all different backgrounds across the country, who recognise that they are stronger together and that collaboration is the key to continued success. They exist to support schools in that role by facilitating constructive collaboration and challenge between them and providing a platform for activities which would not be possible for a school to undertake on its own.

Together they aspire to become a world-class, knowledge-sharing community, which leads the way in school improvement and raises the standards of education for all.

Kestrel Mead Review Report 2019-20

Kestrel Mead Review Report 2021-22

Kestrel Mead Review Report 2022-23