Lunchtime times are 12.15pm – 1.15 pm. There is always a member of staff on duty but your child will be under the immediate care of the lunchtime supervisors, who are organised by our Midday Manager.

We encourage play and collaboration during the lunch hour. When weather permits, the children use the school playing field and a wide variety of equipment e.g. hoops, ropes, footballs and outdoor board games, including giant jenga, bowling and connect four.

School dinners are cooked on the premises – a wide choice of healthy foods are provided. Please see our menus at the bottom of this page.

If you wish, your child may bring a packed lunch to school. The packed lunch should be in a lunch-box labelled with your child’s name. We ask that glass containers, fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate are not brought to school. We also have children at school with nut allergies, therefore we have a ‘nut-free’ policy. Please check foods carefully.

If you feel it necessary or your child wishes to change from school meals to packed lunch or vice versa, please inform the office.

Dinner money can be paid on the My Child At School App (MCAS).

School Dinners cost £2 per day and should be paid for before the meal. This can be paid for weekly at a cost of £10.

You may be entitled to free school meals – details of how to apply are available from the office or you can apply online here.

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 then they are eligible for Universal Infant Free School meals, however, if you are in  receipt of any of the following benefits you could be eligible for free school dinners for their whole time at Kestrel Mead which would include free milk and free trips.

  • Income Support
  • Income-based jobseekers allowance
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • Support under part VI of the immigration and asylum act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of state pension credit
  • Child tax credit
  • Working tax credit
  • During the initial roll out of the benefit, universal credit

Please ask at the school office for ways to apply.

At Kestrel Mead we use ‘Cool Milk’ to administer our milk scheme. If you wish for your child to have milk at school, you will need to register them at If your child is under the age of 5, they are entitled to FREE school milk. Every child over the age of 5 is entitled to milk at a subsidised price of around £14 per term.

For more information, please see the office. Alternatively, contact Cool Milk directly on 08448542913 or via email to [email protected].

All Infant children (Foundation – Year 2) are offered a free piece of fruit everyday. Juniors are able to bring a fruit snack in for break time if they wish to do so.