The RE curriculum covers the key faiths of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism reflecting our local community and religious backgrounds. Sessions are linked to key questions that provoke thoughtful discussions and encourage children to explore different views and beliefs. The RE curriculum promotes our four character behaviours, exploring different religious explanations/stories and making positive links between them. It allows children to share their own experiences and learn more about others. Through wider school life, children celebrate key religious festivals together. Each Year group is taught three big questions over the course of the year. KS1 record their learning through SeeSaw and floorbooks which reflect the learning of the whole class and KS2 record their learning through Seesaw and individual RE books.


Trips and Enrichments

We have invested in some new, exciting RE resources across the infant and junior buildings. We are excited for these artefacts and books to give the children a deeper understanding of how they are used within different religions.

Subject Champion/s
Mrs N Chauhan & Ms L Evans-Green

Subject Leader/s
Mrs E Newnham